Dark Room

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The hackspace has a dark room! Not this sort of dark room, but one for developing and printing photographic film. Its equipped with developing tanks, enlargers, dev/stop/fix baths and a sink. You may also find other useful photography equipment stored in the cupboards (spare tripod, lights, etc).


  • Sink
  • Fridge
  • Mixed array of enlargers
  • Developing drums
  • Developing trays
  • Measuring Jugs
  • Timers
  • washing trays

Dark Room Resources

Health and safety

Basic Health and safety rules

Use googles/safety glasses, wear gloves and apron when handling chemicals

Wear proper footwear preferable rubber soled and fully closed

Read the COSHH data sheets for the Chemicals being used and follow the advice on safety handling

No DIY/extotic chemistry without priory premssion

Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment
Company Dept Assessor Name Assessor Title Date Ref
Leeds Hack space DarkRoom Stephen Rowley N/A 07/06/2019 1
Task, Process or Work Activity: General Darkroom Photography activities
Location: Leeds Hackspace; Sheep's car house.
Hazards Persons Affected

e.g. contractors, public, etc.

No of persons Affected             (per group) Initial Risk Scale 1 - 5 Control Measures     Existing control measures in RED Residual Risk Scale 1 - 5 Actions Required Person responsible (to ensure actions are carried out) When should  the actions be carried out
Likelihood Severity Risk Likelihood Severity Risk
Slips/trips and falls Members working in darkroom/ public on open days 5+ 4 3 12 Proper footwear, good house keeping, clean up spills when they occur 1 4 4 Ensure correct foot wear is used, Cleaning equipment made easily available. Individuals using room and Directors and Committee members to enforce Before, during and after carrying out darkroom activities
Electric shock Members working in darkroom/ public on open days 5+ 5 4 20 Keep electrical equipment away from water sources,

No use of extension leads in room,

use IP rated sockets only

Equipment to be PAT tested 6 monthly

Don't touch equipment that has become wet until power is isolated. Quarantine until  it can be Pat tested equipment until

6 monthly checks of RCD protection of room sockets

Clean up spills when they occur

1 5 4 Directors to Organise Pat testing and RCD checks.

Use of Ip rated Sockets only

Individuals using room and

Directors and Committee members to enforce and ensure that electrical testing has been carried out.

Before, during and after carrying out darkroom activities
chemical Burns including Skin and eyes Members working in darkroom/ public on open days 5+ 4 4 16 Set up folder for COSHH data sheets ,

Use correct PPE ie Gloves, eye protection- See COSHH data sheets for full details for each chemical.

Clean up spillages when they occur

No home-made or exotic chemistry without prior permission of Directors

1 4 4 Make sure appropriate PPE is available,

Ensure PPE is used,

Ensure Spill kit is available for use, Keep a register of COSHH data sheet for all chemicals

Individuals using room and Directors and Committee members to enforce Before, during and after carrying out darkroom activities
Inhalation of noxious chemicals Members working in darkroom/ public on open days 5+ 4 4 16 Set up folder for COSHH data sheets check and before using chemicals

Extractions fan to be switched on when darkroom is in use.

Clean up spillages when they occur

No home-made or exotic chemistry without prior permission of Directors

1 4 4 Make sure appropriate PPE is available,

Ensure PPE is used,

Ensure Spill kit is available for use,

Keep a register of COSHH data sheet for all chemicals

Individuals using room and Directors and Committee members to enforce Before, during and after carrying out darkroom activities
Environmental contamination Local Water courses 100+ 5 3 15 Set up folder for COSHH data sheets check and before using chemicals

Dispose of use chemical into Waste chemical Drum for correct Disposal at later date, No used chemicals to go down drain.

Store Chemical In bunded trays or in COSHH cabinet

1 3 3 Have chemical drum label and ready for use.

Bunded trays or COSHH cabinet to be made available

Individuals using room and Directors and Committee members to enforce When Carrying out darkroom activities
Recommended review period: Once A year or after any incidents/near misses Next Review Date: 07/06/2020
Likely Hood Severity
1-  Negligible- 2- Minor Injury no long term Effects

Minor Environmental Damage No long term effects

3. Serious Injury resulting

Serious Environmental damage

4-Single Death/ Life changing Injury/

Serve Environmental damage 

5- Multiple death/ Significant environmental damage
1 1 2 3 4 5
2 2 4 6 8 10
3 3 6 9 12 15
4 4 8 12 16 20
5 5 10 15 20 25
Low risk Activities, work Following the Controls put in place
Medium Risk Proceed with caution consider reviewing Controls to reduce risk where Practicable
Highest Risk. Stop work, reviwe Controls to reduce the risk


General Photography Resources